So, its been pretty chilly on Sunday mornings the past few weeks. Therefore, I have decided to wear pants week after week instead of dresses to church on Sunday mornings. Not a problem, right? Wrong haha I rarely wear dress pants, and I really only have two pairs of GOOD comfy dress pants for church: my black pants and my khaki pants(which my awesome sister in law let me have). I also normally go home on the weekends to my parents..problem with that? For some reason when I'm rushing to get everything I need for the weekend before I go to early Friday morning class, I think "dress for church and dress pants in case its cold!" and I always go for the black pants instead of the khakis. Still don't see a problem? LINT. haha. I like with two cats and two dogs during the week, all who have primarily white hair..and shed. A lot. We have to vacuum at least every other day. Right after I wash my pants, they go straight to the drawer. But somehow, they are still covered in lint/fur by the time I get to my parents house/church on Sunday morning. So, I take a lint roller and roll away. 6 or 7 sheets later, I am lint free to look clean at church! Yay! but then of course I go home and by the time I'm done eating lunch, I am covered yet again.
Soo...that super long intro story means whaaa?
I was thinking today while doing my rolling duty in my moms office..this is the typical lukewarm Christians lifestyle. What do we do during the week? Stuff our Jesus pants in a drawer or to the side. We save our "dress" clothes for Sunday. We "prepare" our hearts for worship by rushing to get everything ready.. pretend we didn't gossip about so and so. Ask God to forgive us for being a bad friend to someone who needed Jesus' love shown through us. Forget about the little white lies we told our parents and act like they don't matter. Clean up our mouths. But there is leftover "lint" in our we clean the last bit up before walking into church. And what happens as soon as we sing the closing song and finish lunch with fellow churchies? The lints back on. We go right back to not living for God during the week..
That's my challenge to myself and my readers(all 3 of you haha but you can pass it on :) ) Don't just clean up for Sunday, stay lint free all week, every day, all day. Get in Gods word, and really be a light for Him to everyone around you. Yeah, we're all gonna mess up. But strive to be like Christ in your daily walk. See what difference it makes in your attitude and see how many people you can get to notice :)
Just in the last couple of days, turning everything over to him is the greatest thing I could have done. & I thank you katie for being there for me in this new journey. I couldnt do this with out you.