Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First Blog? haha

So this reminds me of the xanga days.. anyone remember? haha i would post almost everyday but i was like..whats, 11? haha and then myspace took over :) Now.. where to start?? oh this is gonna be fun. I guess i can throw a shout out to Melinda, Sarah, Joshua, and Jolina! hahaha love yall! This is hard to do at the beginning of the day I must say.
I'll just have to begin with funny little stories I have encountered the past week and a half in the small town of Cookeville! Melinda and I were big time craving ice cream one night(no, were not prego!). so Melindas mom got up and said "Well, Walgreens is a 24 hour store, and I'll drive y'all there if I can stay in the car.." at 1:30 in the AM! hahaha probably the best night so far:) OH, and I can't forget when we were at Standing Stone Park(beautiful if any of you decide to take a vacay in Cookeville), and Melinda stepped onto a rock and fel.. hahahha its only funny because she didn't get seriously hurt, just bruised :)
I think one of the funniest things was for sure last night watching That's all I have to say about that.

I'm sure there are many more memories we have had..including RJs comments that do not make any sense at all haha.
So that is all for now, maybe I will update on today tonight..? I don't know, I'll have to get used to this whole blog thing hahah :)


  1. hahahahaha Excellent first post :) We are definitely NOT prego, and I am definitely bruised (ouch) at least we have some video of the incident haha

  2. hahaha this is gonna be fun to read!!
